Hey guys, it's Sunday and it's a beautiful Sunday, although it's pretty cold. I am at my beautiful niece Kayla's baby shower. She's having a little boy and her estimated due date is January 1st. The baby shower was absolutely beautiful. I have been taking some video clips and photos and I am going to put together a little video for her. However, it has been a hectic and crazy week for me. I ended up working about 58 hours this past week, so I have been exhausted. Because of that, I haven't had the chance to do a lot of vlogging. I did go to Boston though, and I want to share a couple of clips that I took there. I attended the annual convention and roomed with a couple of my coworkers. We were lucky to have our hotel right across from the Convention Center, which made it convenient for us. We had a great time at the convention. There were around 22,000 real estate professionals from all over the country. The trade show was phenomenal. The CEO of the Berkshire Hathaway affiliate for the real estate division, Geno (I can never pronounce his last name right), was also at the convention. We did a little jumping for joy video clip with him, and it was hysterical. We also attended the New Hampshire night out in the North End of Boston. We had to take an Uber to get there. It was a cool restaurant called Italia, and I ate like a pig. I had a great time, but it was also exhausting. Then, I came back home to reality, work, and everything else. It has been a hectic week. I am going to show you a couple of clips from the shower. I might also talk a bit about some products...