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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 944 Pr Blog

Instructions and Help about Will Form 944 Pr Blog

Hey guys, it's Monica. I'm actually coming to you from inside my hotel room in Boston, Massachusetts. I'm away on a convention and it's pouring rain. It's lousy out, and last night we were up a little bit too late, so I look like a total wreck. But I promise you guys that I would do an update on Sheila, and yesterday was her surgery. Many of you probably already know if you watched Jerry's video that she came through the surgery fine. Or if you watched my Instagram live yesterday (not live), but my Instagram yesterday, her husband David did text me during the surgeries that everything was going well. And then after the surgery to let me know that all was fine. And then last night, we had gone out, a group of us here had gone out to a beautiful restaurant and had a wonderful dinner. And then we came back, I got a text message from Sheila, and we were texting back and forth. And she was still in a brain fog, she said, but she wanted me to know that everything did indeed go fine. And this time she had no issues with the anesthesia. Did I say that word anesthesia? Well, close enough. She had no issues with that. And you know, her pain level was a little higher than she anticipated, but it was being managed. And she was, you know, she was doing good when she was texting back and forth. In fact, she was doing so good, she even did a couple of selfie pictures. But they're not for public consumption, so I'm not gonna be sharing them with you at all. But she wanted me to let you all know that she's doing fine. She's probably gonna go home today...