Welcome to workday. In this video, we will demonstrate how to update your withholding elections, also known as taxes. I will begin by accessing my pay worklet and then selecting withholding elections to update my federal elections. Once I have selected update, I will proceed to update the desired fields. After making the necessary changes, I will check "I agree" and select okay. Moving on, I will also update my state elections using a similar process. To do so, I will first select the workday logo at the top of the screen to return to the homepage. Next, I will choose the pay worklet again and select withholding elections. This time, I will click on state elections update and okay. For my state elections, I want to increase my additional state withholding, and I will do so in this section. After making the necessary changes, I will select "I agree" and click okay. To conclude, this demonstration on updating withholding elections is now complete. Thank you for using workday.