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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How Form 944 Pr Designee

Instructions and Help about How Form 944 Pr Designee

Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. 20 to 90 tax this is Casey hi Casey my name is Arnold and I'm preparing this 2294 my dad okay um what's his third party designee thing 2. okay so you're on step one company information right yes I am 3. okay and down at the bottom it does ask if you want to do third party designee what this is is it gives you permission to speak to the IRS on behalf of your dad so even though easier dad it doesn't matter he can you can only talk to IRS on his behalf with a third-party designee or a power of attorney 4. okay I see um what do you think should i do it or not well what what do you think is your dad the kind that'll call IRS himself or is he the kind that's gonna want you to do it he'll probably want me to do it okay so then in your case I would say yeah you're gonna want to call IRS on behalf of your dad absolutely fill it in first name it's real easy just first and last name your phone number and then you pick a pin number so ever you want what's that self select pin number it's just any five digit number of your choosing some people just say one two three four five some use the zip code it can be anything you like just as long as it's a five digit number I see so that's pretty easy um is there anything else I should know um not real you you should have my phone number so you can call us back if you have any other questions you know you can call us toll free or you can call...