Shadow Cam Wisconsin obtained a customer relations guidance memo on photography and filming on postal property, which was released by the post office. He was shocked and amazed by the content of the memo. The memo stated that photography and filming inside postal facilities must be approved in advance by management. This revelation shocked him because Poster Seven, which he had also filmed, mentioned that photographs for news, advertising, or commercial purposes were allowed. However, upon closer inspection, he realized that the memo and the specific restrictions section of the CFR were designed to restrict the right to film. The penalties for violating these rules were outlined in CFR 232.1. He discovered that both Poster Seven and the CFR were written by the US Postal Service, indicating that permission is indeed required for photography. The memo instructed postal employees to deny permission to film, while allowing informal snapshots for personal use at the discretion of the postmaster. However, no lighting or scaffolding can be set up, and no pictures can depict postal service employees, customers, security cameras, or mail covers. Postmasters have the authority to restrict photography if they deem it disruptive or a security concern. Shadow Cam warned that arguing with postal employees and causing disruptions could lead to penalties under the disturbances section of the regulations. Overall, he emphasized that the regulations are designed to restrict photography, and individuals should consider the potential consequences before challenging their constitutionality.
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