Hey, my name is Keith Hall. I'm a CPA and I work exclusively with small businesses just like you. Now when it comes to tax returns, we talk a lot about filling out the forms, a lot about last year's information, and how much we're going to end up sending to the IRS on April 15th. But what I want to do is talk about creative and specific ways to save money so you can keep more of your money, rather than just waiting on the tax return from last year. So, my tax planning tip number two is let's look at what you do with your kids a little bit differently than perhaps you've looked at it in the past. So my first question for you is, how much money do you give your kids? Okay, now you see, guys, that's a big number, right? And I recognize that. But I'm not just talking about the allowance that you give them. What about the money you're giving them to put away for college? What about if they drive? You have gas for their car. If your daughters are like my daughters, there's always a new pair of jeans that you're giving them money for. So, how much money do you give your kids? This is a very big number. So I want you to kind of look at that money a little bit differently, okay? Rather than just giving it to them as an allowance, what if you put them to work? What if you found a job in your small business that they could help you with? And there are thousands of things in your small business, you know that they can help with. Your inbound mail, your outbound mail, they can help with your scheduling. They can probably...
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