You know, I love having Jessie around the office. She brings a lot of energy. But, you know, he can get out of hand from time to time, so you've gotta keep your eye on them. Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, dude, that is disgusting. That's gross, seriously. Who taught you to jump rope like that with your elbows out to the side? Get them in closer, closer. Come on, man, tighten it up. There you go, there you go. Nice job, good job, good job, appreciate it anytime, anytime. I mean, the good thing is he's a really fast learner, so it makes my job a lot easier. What's up, guys? Jeff Cavaliere from You know, I can't allow that in my gym. That kind of form is miserable, guys. You know that form matters to me as a physical therapist. I know how important form can be, especially when it comes to keeping you healthy. I mean, I'm not the form police. There are a lot of people out there that want to be part of the form police, and maybe they're even justified if they see stuff like maybe this, like the rocking horse pull-down. You guys seen this one before, right? Or maybe even the leaning tower. This is actually something more I like to call the vertical bench press, or the "I might piss my pants" squat. Right here, we've seen this, the quarter squat makes it a little bit like, "I think I'm going to urinate. I've got to make sure I hold it in." Or maybe even the wonderful hunchback when doing the one-arm row. This one's a beauty. Or finally, the one that I love the most, let's go. This is just, "I've got to get my chin over that bar...